I’ve been having a lot of success with shooting in Aperture mode, so when I was outside creeping out the neighbors by sitting on the curb taking pictures I decided to see how the camera’s perspective changed the area my camera would focus on. So neat! I was shocked at how these pictures looked when […]
Trial & Error
Camera Settings And Why I Almost Panicked Mid Flight

So I said before that I just about had a panic attack mid flight while traveling down to my sister’s wedding. It wasn’t because anything broke or there was anything wrong with the flight. It was because I didn’t pay attention to my camera and what setting it was on before I started shooting. […]

Have you ever tried to take a good photo of the moon? I didn’t realize how hard it actually is! Well, it was hard before I went and looked up advice on how to take good moon pictures. A few things I learned: The moon just shows up as a glowing ball if you don’t […]
Changing From Auto

I’ve been really wanting to take my photography to another level. Sadly I’ve been one of those people who got their first fancy camera but haven’t taken it off of Auto. What is the point of having a fancy pants camera if you don’t use it to make fancy pants pictures? Auto is not fancy […]