It’s Monday and I think I’m in need of a pick-me-up to get myself ready for work. It’s beautiful outside right now. The leaves are changing colors, the air is crisp (and sometimes rainy), and I like to think of the fall as a start of new beginnings. This year’s summer beauty is leaving in […]
Take A Walk

Some days you need to see something inspiring. Today I need some inspiration that life is beautiful and this picture is exactly what I need to see. Our current path may be a little dark, but light is on its way.
Sunset Pier

I don’t know about you, but I am SO glad its Friday. It’s been a rough week with work being busy, and my mood just being down. But it’s the weekend! I can finally do something fun! Looking at this lovely sunset just reminds me how beautiful the world is, and makes my day a […]
Snowy Frozen Drops

Here’s another of last year’s snow. I’m rather conflicted about the cold weather. I still love all the snowy wintery awesomeness. I would love a good snowfall but at the same time I miss the heat and the beach and having an awesome excuse to have a margarita!
Windy Sunset On The Boardwalk

Ah, a windy beach. Is there any better place to be? I’m not sure if you would count this as a boardwalk or just a beachy path, but the sand was dancing in the wind all over the path.
Needing A Little Light

After being so cold the last few weeks, I think I need a good dose of warm sunshine to end my week! Ahh… Newport Pier at sunset. I think that will work!