There is one thing I miss deeply about living in the Pacific North West: Clouds. I don’t think I’ve been anywhere else in my many travels throughout my life that has clouds like the PNW on a consistent basis. They are these epic formations of fluffy clouds that move quickly over the sky. I […]
Car In The Rain

The snow has left us, but now the rains have started again. I have to say I’m not too sad about the snow being gone, it was too darn cold for my taste.
Fall Is In The Air, So Is Improvement

I’ve been doing a lot of work with my pictures lately. I’ve been designing the calendars, editing to make prints, and just going back to look at old pictures. I came across this picture I took at the Oregon Zoo not long after I bought my fancy camera, and at the time I thought it […]
Majestic Trees

I love living in the Pacific North West. The amount of greenery is incredible. This tree is in a park in the middle of the city. There are so many parks that it would take a LONG time to try and walk through them all.
Hiding Tiger

This picture really makes me feel like I went out and hunted this tiger down in the wild. In reality, he was just being stubborn and not coming out to play in his exhibit.
Sleepy Cheetah

This was such a trip. I am not using a zoom lens at all! The cheetah exhibit had a little “den” for them to sleep in, which had a glass back. They were literally sleeping a few inches from me. It was so cool! You could almost touch them. Except for, you know, that […]