The pier at Newport Beach just looked cool. I never had been able to run around under a pier before, to get so close to all the pylons and see the light reflected through them was really neat. The wind had really kicked up, so the spray from the ocean looked awesome against all the […]
Newport Beach
Washed Out Beach, In Newport With The Wrong Settings!

I’m a turkey. I adjusted the settings on my camera for some reason while we were in the car, and then when I get outside to take pictures I forget to readjust and I came out with these. I actually LOVE these pictures. They turned out so neat. I’m not even sure what I did, […]
Newport Surfers

My husband and I traveled back to Southern California for Christmas. The land of a sunny and warm Christmas. Santa has never really worn a big furry coat in my dreams, that’s saved for those people who get below freezing temperatures. My Santa wears flip flops and sunscreen. He also drives a jet ski. We […]
Newport Beach Sunset

During our trip to California, my husband and I spent a few days with his Grandma. She’s quite the awesome lady, and her house always feels so peaceful. We always get a great night sleep at her house. One more benefit of staying with Grandma? She’s only about 20 minutes from Newport beach! At least […]