Spontaneous picture outside of a geeky expo. I’m always looking for the upside to being near geeks (other than I find geeks utterly adorible in their awkwardness sometimes)
Hanging Lavender

In my brain I pretend I’m a gardener. I like to think that I could grow hundreds of tomatoes, peppers, and fields of herbs. Sadly this isn’t the case, especially since I’m allergic to bees, some pollen, and tend to run away like a little girl when a bug comes near. Yep, I’m a nature […]
Trees In Bloom

Spring is here. Trees are blooming, flowers are starting to come up, and the grass is growing like crazy! It’s going to be a jungle out there soon enough.
Cherry Blossoms

The cherry blossoms never last long in our yard. You have this beautiful flowery tree for about a week, then all the flowers fall off and you just have a mess on your hands. But at least they were nice while it lasted.