The Seattle Underground was very eerie. You’re walking on makeshift platforms that lead you through the dank walkways with small makeshift signs either of wood or even just painted onto the wall so people could figure out where they’re going. It’s incredible to think of how many people walked through those pathways after the rebuilding […]
Seattle Underground Tour, Part 1

A few weeks ago the husband and I went to Seattle for a short trip and we were finally able to do something that I have been wanting to do since I first heard about it a few years ago… Seattle Underground Tour!!! I mean who wouldn’t want to go down into the underbelly of […]
More Of The Tanks

The part that I found the funniest about the tanks at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum was that they were randomly placed on a hill, a little ways back from the building where all the planes and space stuff are. It was like they were waiting to attack! Except for the weeds growing around […]

Ever been to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum? It is super crazy cool. We went there not long after I got my camera, and found the pictures recently. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. Taking pictures, then forgetting about them and not posting them. I think I’m getting a bit […]
What A Rusty Place To Live

The worst thing about living at the beach is the rust. It just eats away at anything it can. The salt air is so corrosive there, when we lived at the beach my husbands barbeque started to rust within weeks. I can’t really even imagine what it did to our cars. I still would rather […]
No Lights To Show The Way

I think the fact that the light socket doesn’t have a bulb makes this archway look even creepier.