Ever been to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum? It is super crazy cool. We went there not long after I got my camera, and found the pictures recently. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. Taking pictures, then forgetting about them and not posting them. I think I’m getting a bit […]
California Building

After I took this photo, I asked my BFF to go and figure out what this building was. I took the picture from the freeway so I really have no idea exactly where the building was, so obviously she hasn’t gotten back to me. Not that I really expected her to. It’s like a really […]
Welcome To 2013

I have to admit I really didn’t do anything this year to celebrate the new year. I had to work New Years Eve, and the husband was sleeping off the lovely effects of the stomach flu. I had a drink and wasted almost a full iPad charge surfing Pintrest. Aren’t we so exciting? It was […]
Country Shed

I love how framing can make something look so different. This shed in my friend’s back yard seems like it’s out in the country somewhere. She hates the shed, but I think it makes for some beautiful photos.
California Coast From The Wings

I believe this is part of the California coastline. I took this in the air during one of our many flights to my sister’s wedding. My husband and I were too frazzled trying to get everything together for the flight that we only had about 3 hours of sleep the night before. That’s why […]