Day 19 – We have a giant magnolia tree in the backyard with these enormous leaves and blooms as big as my head. The leaves have this beautiful curve to them.
Mossy Branch – 365 Project – #17

Day 17 – I love mossy branches. This one we found in the yard and I saved it since I figured once I got my photo table set up it would come in handy.
Shimmering Beach Sand

The one thing that photography has been able to do for me is let me see how beautiful the world is around me, even when things aren’t perfect. We were walking on the beach at night and normally that is one of my favorite times to hit the beach, it’s very peaceful and soothing to […]
Fuzzy Bee

The only reason I take pictures of scary things that chase you like bees (and yes they totally chase you) is because of my zoom lens. Normally I’m running away. This time I couldn’t help taking this guy’s picture as my husband was paying at the parking meter. He didn’t even realize the bee was […]
Snowy Peak

I love sitting in the window seat of an airplane a little too much. All of my plane rides in the last 10 years have taken me from the Pacific North West to California, so it’s always wild to see how different the areas are by plane. California is more dry looking, less trees. While […]