Day 34 – I haven’t taken any food pictures in a while, I think I need to up my game on the food front and see what delicious treats I can find.
Minion Waiting For The Fire – 365 Project – #33

Day 33 – My friend brought us over one of their old fire pits and a pile of wood a few weeks ago. We’ve been sick so its just been sitting there. Hopefully soon we will feel good enough to have a fire!
Rain Drops On Fall Leaf – 365 Project – #28

Day 28 – This was another instance of not taking a picture of what I intended to. My husband called me outside to check out this amazing sunset that turned the clouds to fire, and I took some photos, but then as I was coming back inside I noticed this leaf covered in rain drops […]
Vintage Better Homes And Gardens Cook Book – 365 Project – #26

Day 26 – My husband’s Grandmother gave me this cook book a few years ago. I’ve never used it but I’m honored to have a great family heirloom passed down to me. The pages are slightly brittle but it’s beautiful.