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  • Rose


    I feel like I’ve lost some steam for a while with photos. There was a point where I hadn’t even picked up my camera for a month. That in itself is just wrong by so many standards. As a rule I generally hate rose bushes. I don’t find the bushes themselves to be pretty and […]

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  • Crosswalk Flag

    Crosswalk Flags

    I feel sorry for my friend. She has been super awesome every time we go up and visit Seattle, taking me around the area so I can snap pictures, going to fun little places to eat, and just all around being awesome. And then there’s me. I’m the embarrassing one of the equation more times […]

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  • Holy Barnacles Batman!

    Dried Baracles

    I miss living near the beach. I miss the smell of the salt water and the ever present rumbling of the waves. I don’t miss the rust on anything metal outside or the rather nasty smell of dead fish from some areas of the beach. I also miss going to tide pools and poking things […]

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  • Jenga With Geeks

    Jenga With Geeks

    My husband runs a geeky computer club centered around old computers at a local pizza place once a month. If you’re anything like me, that phrase makes you want to roll your eyes and yawn. But at the same time I’m very supportive of my husband, and I do attend his meetings with him to […]

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  • Feisty Soap

    Dirty Farmgirl Soap

    I really regret not picking up some of these bars of soap. The Filthy Farmgirl soap was hilarious. There were other labels that had references to cats, dogs, and donkeys. If I was really thinking I would have bought some of these for bathroom decoration. They were absolutely hilarious. I can imagine the hilarity of […]