Day 24 – Now that my husband finally has a camera again he was all excited to get out and take some photos today. It was rather hot so I wasn’t too sure how many photos we were going to get. We ended up driving by an opening for the train tracks and my husband […]
Mini Red Toy Truck – 365 Project – #20

Day 20 – I’ve gotten myself a large collection of small toy cars that I’ll be taking out with me on some adventures. Until I get some proper storage in my studio space I’m probably going to keep most of these packed up, I’m a bit worried about getting them scratched before I take them […]
Car In The Rain

The snow has left us, but now the rains have started again. I have to say I’m not too sad about the snow being gone, it was too darn cold for my taste.
More Of The Tanks

The part that I found the funniest about the tanks at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum was that they were randomly placed on a hill, a little ways back from the building where all the planes and space stuff are. It was like they were waiting to attack! Except for the weeds growing around […]

Ever been to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum? It is super crazy cool. We went there not long after I got my camera, and found the pictures recently. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. Taking pictures, then forgetting about them and not posting them. I think I’m getting a bit […]
Icy Mirrors

Know what the best invention in cars is? The auto defrosting mirrors. Too bad my car doesn’t have them!