These are from the archives. A friend and I went to the Portland Chinese Gardens for a day of relaxing and adventure. It was really beautiful and peaceful, which is surprising to find right in the middle of a busy town. I think it took up a whole square block, so when you looked […]
Night Stalking Frog
We came home from dinner and found this guy right by our door. It really freaked me out at first until I figured out what it was. The entire time I took the front on shots I was chanting in my head “Please don’t jump on me. Please don’t jump on me. Please don’t jump […]
Dog Stalking
Usually when I’m dealing with people from CraigsList, I try not to have them come to my house. We’ve had some really gnarly experiences with weird/sketchy people coming to the door and most of the time I really don’t want to let them in the house. Why? Well there was that one person who we […]
Bird On A Rail
Lately I’ve noticed that I’m a bit obsessed with birds. Trying to take their picture is hard, yet rewarding, but I’m also really loving any sort of artwork or imagery about birds or feathers. I have a feeling this has to do with something spiritual but I haven’t quite figured it out yet.
Dogs have the most soulful eyes. Every time they look at you, your heart melts and you can’t help but love them more. I really miss my pup. Eventually, when they figure out how to breed a dog that is completely hypoallergenic, we will get another pup. Until then I can get my fix from […]
Worktime Ducklings
About a month ago we discovered there was a duck hanging around the front of where I work. This wasn’t new, this duck had been here every spring for a few years. But then a few days later we found a nest! We all waited anxiously (by we I mean the few females in the […]